A fillable version of the final Participant Agreement template is now available for Participants to access through the Participant Documents tab. This template may be executed with Nova Scotia Power Inc. (NSPI).
To understand more about the next steps for execution, contact NSPI at greenchoice@nspower.ca. For additional details, please visit the FAQs section at Participant FAQ.
Nova Scotia Power has designed a Cost/Credit Calculator tool to allow Participants to input your subscribed energy load and visually view the program's cost and credit outcomes. Participants can now access this tool on the Participant Resources tab.
If you have any questions, please utilize the Contact Us form or reach out to novascotia@cohoclimate.com or greenchoice@novascotia.ca directly.
The Procurement Administrator is writing to announce the GCP Participants and GCP Project Portfolio.
GCP Participants:
Eleven large-scale electricity customers are participating in the program. Most will get all their electricity through it. These customers include public institutions and some large industrial and commercial businesses. They are:
GCP Projects:
Six wind farms were chosen through a competitive independent procurement to support the program. They will start generating more than 2,000 gigawatt hours of clean electricity per year by the end of 2028. They will increase the clean electricity to the grid for program customers by more than 12 percent and by nearly seven percent for all Nova Scotia ratepayers. They are:
Each wind farm is co-owned by a private developer and one or more Mi’kmaw community in Nova Scotia. The developers are investing about $73.5 million in social and economic benefits for communities where the wind farms are located. Benefits include training, skill development, capacity building grants and scholarships. There will be about 700 construction jobs and 30 full-time jobs to operate the wind farms.
For more information on the GCP procurement from the Government of Nova Scotia, please see the article linked here.
For Proponents:
The Procurement Administrator has issued Addendum 5 to the Green Choice Program Request for Proposals to update the GCP Portfolio Notification Date to November 28, 2024 as a result of the upcoming general election. The following sections have been updated:
An updated version of the RFP that contains the revisions outlined in this Addendum has been uploaded to the Proponent Documents tab, and the original version has been removed. Further, the Procurement Administrator has uploaded Addendum 5, which contains redlines of any changes made to the RFP. Please note that the PA has also updated the Timeline tab to reflect these revisions.
Further information has been shared via email with Proponents who have submitted Proposals for the Green Choice Program.
For Participants:
The Participant Agreement template, originally scheduled for release on Friday, November 8, will now be released following the general election. The Province aims to release the template in early December, but a more definite timeline will be provided as it is confirmed.
Further information has been shared via email with the Participants.
If you have any questions, please utilize the Contact Us form or reach out to novascotia@cohoclimate.com directly.
The Procurement Administrator (PA) is writing to remind Proponents that the deadline for re-submission of Energy Rates for the GCP RFP is Friday October 11, 2024.
Energy Rates must be re-submitted via the Energy Rate Resubmission Sheet (available on the Proponent Documents tab under the Proposal Submission Materials section). By submitting the Energy Rate Resubmission Sheet, the Proponent agrees to be evaluated on their new Energy Rate only. Evaluation and award decisions will be made based on the original Proposal submitted, combined with the new Energy Rates submitted via this spreadsheet.
The sheet only contains inputs to resubmit a Proposal’s Energy Rate. Any other changes to a Proposal will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The Pricing Resubmission Sheet must be submitted via email to novascotia@cohoclimate.com.
If you have any questions, please utilize the Contact Us form or reach out to novascotia@cohoclimate.com directly.
The Procurement Administrator (PA), in collaboration with Nova Scotia Power (NSP), is writing to announce an update to the NSPI SIS Study Group calendar, in order to accommodate delays to the GCP evaluation process and allow for the completion of Interconnection Milestones without significant delay. These updates are reflected on the OASIS website.
The new dates associated with Study Group #39 are as follows:
There has been no change to the timing for SIS Study Group #38, and new SIS Study Group #40 will occur during the window previously designated as SIS Study Group #39.
The PA intends to award the GCP Portfolio by November 8, 2024. The above timeline allows for ~15 weeks between Notice of Award and the Progression Milestones Deadline (8 weeks for modeling, 6 weeks for NSPI review, and a 1-week buffer for the holiday period).
Proponents should note that if there are facilities under study in Group #39 which are NOT electrically remote from facilities under study in Group #38, they may be required to wait until the Group #38 studies are sufficiently advanced before their study can commence.
For avoidance of doubt, the timeline changes outlined above do not impact the GCP timeline, and Selected Proponents will still be required to execute the Agreement with NSPI by Feb 6, 2025.
If you have any questions, please utilize the Contact Us form or reach out to novascotia@cohoclimate.com directly.
The Procurement Administrator (PA), in collaboration with the CIB, has released responses to questions regarding the impacts of CIB funding on the RFP process. These responses are accessible on the Proponent FAQ tab. Please note that responses containing confidential Proponent information are being directed to respective Proponents via email.
Further, the CIB intends to circulate the CIB Project Loan and CIB Equity Loan agreements by ~8/30. Subsequent to this release, the CIB will be providing an opportunity for Proponents to ask additional questions regarding the Agreements and Financing Model Template ahead of the 9/13 submission deadline.
The CIB is available for working sessions with Proponents during the following times (AST):
Please sign up for an available 30-minute timeslot using the Bookings link sent via email. Please submit any questions by Wednesday Sept 4th for discussion during the working session. Questions must be submitted via email to GCP@cib-bic.ca and novascotia@cohoclimate.com.
As a reminder, the deadline to submit the CIB Pricing Model Template is Friday, September 13th, 2024.
If you have any questions, please utilize the Contact Us form or reach out to novascotia@cohoclimate.com directly.
The Procurement Administrator (PA) has issued Addendum 4 to the Green Choice Program Request for Proposals to provide Proponents with an additional 2 weeks to complete the Canadian Infrastructure Bank's (CIB) pricing model template. The following sections have been updated:
An updated version of the RFP that contains the revisions outlined in this Addendum has been uploaded to the Proponent Documents tab, and the previous version has been removed. Further, the PA has uploaded Addendum 4, which contains redlines of any changes made to the RFP. Please note that the PA has also updated the Timeline tab to reflect these revisions.
Further information has been shared via email with Proponents who have submitted Proposals for the Green Choice Program.
Please submit any concerns relating to CIB funding using the Q&A form to GCP@cib-bic.ca by 5:00 PM EST on August 21st, 2024. The CIB and Coho will develop a common set of responses to provide to all GCP Proponents by August 26th, 2024.
If you have any questions, please utilize the Contact Us form or reach out to novascotia@cohoclimate.com directly.
The Procurement Administrator has issued Addendum 3 to the Green Choice Program Request for Proposals to allow Proponents to participate in the Canadian Infrastructure Bank's (CIB) funding being made available. The following sections have been updated:
An updated version of the RFP that contains the revisions outlined in this Addendum has been uploaded to the Proponent Documents tab, and the original version has been removed. Further, the Procurement Administrator has uploaded Addendum 3, which contains redlines of any changes made to the RFP. Please note that the PA has also updated the Timeline tab to reflect these revisions.
Further information has been shared via email with Proponents who have submitted Proposals for the Green Choice Program.
If you have any questions, please utilize the Contact Us form or reach out to novascotia@cohoclimate.com directly.
Participant Agreement Draft released to the Participant Documents tab
If you have any questions, please utilize the Contact Us form or reach out to novascotia@cohoclimate.com directly.
The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (UARB) has fully approved the standard form PPA for the Green Choice (GCP) program. The Proponents can access this UARB-approved PPA on the GCP website under Proponent Documents.
As a reminder, please note the upcoming deadlines for Proponents:
If you have any questions, please utilize the Contact Us form on the GCP website or reach out to novascotia@cohoclimate.com directly.
Addendum 1 to the GCP RFP:
The Procurement Administrator (PA) has issued Addendum 1 to the GCP Request for Proposals (RFP), titled “Revisions to GCP RFP (Scored Criteria & Appendix)”. This Addendum:
Please note that the RFP has been updated to reflect these revisions. The Addendum and the updated RFP are viewable on the Proponent Documents tab. Further, the PA has re-uploaded the Configuration Form to reflect these revisions.
Notice of Intent to Bid Reminder:
The PA reminds Proponents that the Notice of Intent to Bid Deadline is 11:59 pm AST on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024. The Notice of Intent to Bid form can be found on the Proponent Documents tab. In order to participate in the GCP RFP, Proponents must submit a completed Notice of Intent to Bid form to the PA via email at novascotia@cohoclimate.com and pay the Notice of Intent to Bid Fee in accordance with RFP instructions, prior to the Notice of Intent to Bid Deadline.
This update notifies Proponents that under the authority in the Electricity Act, the Minister issued a Directive to Nova Scotia Power Inc. (NSP) on January 16th.
The Directive states that NSP must provide the necessary equipment to maintain the transmission system reliability, stability, and quality for interconnected wind generation facilities procured under the Electricity Act. This requirement includes any wind generation that was procured prior to this Directive being isssued.
NSP may set minimum technical requirements for wind turbines based on commercially available wind turbines.
For updates and how this may impact your project, please contact NSP.
We are excited to announce the official launch of the Green Choice Program on December 15, 2023. This collaborative initiative, managed jointly by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (NRR), Nova Scotia Power Inc. (NSPI), and Coho Climate Advisors, empowers organizations to make sustainable choices in energy consumption. Your interest in participating is greatly appreciated, and we are eager to guide you through the application process.
Before initiating the application, please ensure you have reviewed the following key documents:
1. Green Choice Program Participants Guide
2. Green Choice Program Application Guide
2. Checklist in Appendix I (Page 9)
3. FAQ section on the GCP website
Application Completion:
Carefully complete all sections of the application form, designate primary and secondary contacts, and provide necessary supporting documents. If applying as an aggregate partnership, ensure the lead partner is identified with the required documentation.
Application Timelines:
Please note the important timelines for the application process:
1. Application Open Date: December 15, 2023
2. Application Submission Deadline: March 4, 2024
3. Minister Decision Date: May 8, 2024 (45 business days after the close of the application)
Participant Agreement Discussions and Negotiations:
After the Minister's decision, discussions and negotiations for the Participant Agreement will take place from May to August 2024. A draft will be available for Participant's review before the submission deadline on March 4th. The regulations and Participant Guide include the minimum criteria for the terms and conditions.
Project Commercial Operation Date:
The estimated Project Commercial Operation Date is December 31, 2028. Some projects may achieve commercial operation prior to this date.
Electricity Account Verification:
It is crucial to work with NSPI's Customer Service Team to verify account information and total electricity consumption. Contact NSPI at greenchoice@nspower.ca.
Withdrawal of Application:
Applicants can withdraw their application without penalty on or before April 17, 2024, by contacting NRR at greenchoice@novascotia.ca.
Minister's Decision on Participant's Application:
The Minister will provide written notification to eligible participants no later than 45 business days after the closing of the application window.
Application Overview Webinar:
The webinar will walk Participants through the application process, participation details, and timelines. Please send questions to NRR in advance to help us prepare for the webinar; however, there will be time for some Q&A's during the webinar as well.
To register: Wednesday January 24th 11:00am-12:00pm AST https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/acdcdcf3-9c36-47aa-b597-8d5d7ac50673@7bc05526-aac6-46ad-8727-96949e5e52e1
We look forward to your active participation in the Green Choice Program, contributing to a sustainable and green future. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Feel free to reach out to NRR for any clarification or additional information at greenchoice@novascotia.ca.
The Procurement Administrator has issued Erratum 1 to the RFP, titled "Corrections to Section 6.3.1 Engagement with the General Public". This Erratum serves to correct a date in the RFP. Please note that the RFP has been updated to reflect these revisions. The Erratum and the updated RFP are viewable on the “Proponent Documents” tab of the GCP Website.
The GCP Request for Proposals (RFP) has been issued as of December 1st, 2023. The following materials can be found on the “Proponent Documents” tab of the GCP Website:
· The Green Choice Program Request for Proposals (RFP)
· Overview of Major Changes from the GCP RFP Draft
· Proposal Submission Materials:
· GCP Notice of Intent to Bid
Please note that the Notice of Intent to Bid Deadline is April 2nd, 2024 (due at 11:59 PM AST via email to novascotia@cohoclimate.com) and the Proposal Submission Deadline is June 14th, 2024 (due at 11:59 PM AST via secure file sharing platform). The PA will inform Proponents of any adjustments to the RFP timeline via the GCP mailing list, and by posting an update to the GCP website on the “Timeline” tab of the GCP website.
The PA intends to share periodic FAQ updates to the GCP website. Interested GCP parties can contact us for inquiries to be included in the Proponent FAQat any time.
Natural Resources and Renewables (NRR) are pleased to let you know that we anticipate being able to start accepting Participant applications for the Green Choice Program starting December 15, 2023. Important dates can be viewed on the Timeline and Participant Resources tab of the GCP Website.
This program has been years in the making, and we appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm.
New or revised participant resources will be uploaded to the Green Choice Program website to support your application, on or before December 15, 2023 – including guides and forms, such as:
You can find existing resources for the Green Choice Program here: https://novascotiagcp.com/participant-resources
Additionally, as you have questions please feel free to submit them directly through the website: https://novascotiagcp.com/participant-faq; the FAQ’s will be updated on a regular basis to ensure everyone benefits from the response to your question.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Applicants are responsible for collecting and collating their organization’s electricity account information including service address for the facilities and buildings, customer number, customer electricity account numbers, and identifying the account holders and those authorized to access your electricity account information. Once you have completed this exercise to the best of your ability, please reach out to Nova Scotia Power no later than February 16, 2024 to request that they verify your account information. This step is requiredfor your application to be deemed complete.
We encourage all interested Participants intending to apply to the Green Choice Program to contact Nova Scotia Power: greenchoice@nspower.cato let them know of your intention to apply to the Program. Please indicate if you are an authorized contact for the electricity accounts for your organization.
Updated templates for documentation to support grouping of organizations will be available on the Green Choice Program website in time for the applications to open. This may apply to governments, aggregate partnerships, franchises, or other commercial or industrial businesses where electricity accounts may be paid separately from the lead organization applying on behalf of the grouping of organizations.
Natural Resources and Renewables (NRR) are pleased to let you know that we anticipate being able to start accepting Participant applications for the Green Choice Program starting December 15, 2023. This program has been years in the making, and we appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm.
New or revised participant resources will be uploaded to the Green Choice Program website to support your application, on or before December 15, 2023 – including guides and forms, such as:
You can find existing resources for the Green Choice Program here: https://novascotiagcp.com/participant-resources
Additionally, as you have questions please feel free to submit them directly through the website: https://novascotiagcp.com/participant-faq; the FAQ’s will be updated on a regular basis to ensure everyone benefits from the response to your question.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Applicants are responsible for collecting and collating their organization’s electricity account information including service address for the facilities and buildings, customer number, customer electricity account numbers, and identifying the account holders and those authorized to access your electricity account information. Once you have completed this exercise to the best of your ability, please reach out to Nova Scotia Power no later than February 16, 2024 to request that they verify your account information. This step is requiredfor your application to be deemed complete.
We encourage all interested Participants intending to apply to the Green Choice Program to contact Nova Scotia Power: greenchoice@nspower.cato let them know of your intention to apply to the Program. Please indicate if you are an authorized contact for the electricity accounts for your organization. Due to privacy protection laws, if you are not currently an authorized contact for the electricity accounts included in your application for the Green Choice Program you must either.
Updated templates for documentation to support grouping of organizations will be available on the Green Choice Program website in time for the applications to open. This may apply to governments, aggregate partnerships, franchises, or other commercial or industrial businesses where electricity accounts may be paid separately from the lead organization applying on behalf of the grouping of organizations.
One of the Minimum Criteria for participation in the RFP is the provision of Interconnection Feasibility Study (IFS) results from NSPI. In order to ensure that IFS results are received before the Proposal Submission Deadline (anticipated in Apr 2024), all Proponents who intend to bid are required to submit an Interconnection request by 5pm AST August 28th, 2023 and finalize their Interconnection Request (i.e., the request is deemed valid by the NSPSO) by September 11th, 2023. Any questions regarding IFS submission should be directed to Mohit Agarwal <Mohit.Agarwal@nspower.ca)>
The maximum Name Plate Capacity of a Project participating in the GCP is 150 MW. The Name Plate Capacity of the Project must be between 40% and 100% of the Name Plate Capacity in the Interconnection Feasibility Study as per the modifications permitted under section 4.4.1 of the GIP.
Furthermore, Proponents who intend to bid into the GCP are required to complete and return the Request for Information (RFI) by 5pm AST August 28th, 2023.
As a reminder, all updates regarding the GCP RFP can be found on the Updates tab of the GCP website. Please note that the Proposal Submission Deadline (and other key RFP milestones) are subject to change. Any changes to the anticipated timeline will be communicated via the GCP mailing list and the GCP website.
Thank you again for your interest in the Nova Scotia Green Choice Program. Ahead of the milestones listed above, please be reminded to submit any questionsyou may have for our FAQ and register for our Proponent webinar.
Copyright © 2025 Nova Scotia Green Choice Program - All Rights Reserved.