The PA has updated the timeline, which can be found on the For GCP Participants tab of the GCP website. The submission period for the Expression of Interest form (and Memorandum of Agreement) is expected to open in Q3 2022 and NOT April 2022, as previously indicated. These draft forms can also be found on the For GCP Participants tab of the GCP website. Kindly note that these forms may be subject to change upon approval of the Regulations.
Please also find below an overview of the expected GCP process and timeline:
Please find attached the latest draft of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the Green Choice Program (GCP). This is a draft reference document for applicants who intend to aggregate with other applicants to meet the 10,000 MWh minimum to submit an Expression of Interest form (EOI). As a requirement of the EOI, all applicants within an aggregate must sign a document acknowledging their intent to aggregate (e.g., the attached MOA). In addition, the PA will follow up with applicants who have previously indicated an interest in aggregating to help facilitate the process.
This MOA (or another governing document of the applicants’ choosing) will be appended into the final version of the EOI.
We also want to take this opportunity to provide an overview of the GCP process:
SAMPLE GCP MOA_20210903 (pdf)
DownloadThis document outlines questions asked by various stakeholders to the Green Choice Program, as well as key messages and answers. An additional document with questions for the Green Choice Program can be viewed here. If you have additional questions not answered here, please contact us.
This webinar held by the Department of Energy and Mines and CustomerFirst Renewables highlights the newly announced Rate Base Procurement as well as its impacts and relations to the Green Choice Program. View or download the PDF version of the deck here.
In light of the recent Rate Base Procurement announcement in Nova Scotia, CFR will be hosting a webinar next Thursday, July 22nd from 11:00am - 11:30am ADT. The webinar will cover details of the Rate Base Procurement and its impact on the Green Choice Program.
After the webinar, CFR intends to publish an updated Stakeholder FAQ to our GCP website and our RBP website. If you would like to submit a question for us to respond in the FAQ prior to the webinar, feel free to email us All questions asked in the chat throughout the webinar will also be recorded for the FAQ.
If you wish to attend this webinar, please contact the Procurement Administrator for the link.
This deck, for suppliers (Independent Power Producers) and all other RFP stakeholders, provides a high-level outline of the RFP draft, an overview of the scored criteria, instructions on how to give feedback and next steps.
This document is intended to provide potential participants and overview of the Green Choice Program, and includes updates to the program which have been made as a result of stakeholder feedback. The document also has a glossary of terms, the objective of the Green Choice Program, roles and responsibilities for the Department of Energy and Mines and CustomerFirst Renewables, timelines, eligible customers, energy load eligible to be enrolled, intake/enrollment process for customers, costs and billing, request for proposal requirements, bid evaluation, awards, and additional resources.
This document outlines questions asked by various stakeholders to the Green Choice Program, as well as key messages and answers. Stakeholders can include participants (large energy buyers), suppliers (Independent Power Producers), First Nations, and more.
This is the second webinar held by the Department of Energy and Mines and CustomerFirst Renewables surrounding the Green Choice Program. View or download the PDF version of the deck here.
This is the initial program overview for interested customers, IPPs, and other stakeholders by the Department of Energy and Mines and CFR. View or dowload the PDF version of the deck here.
Key messages and answered questions for general stakeholder webinars. See updated FAQs posted in April.
Overview of Green Choice Program for stakeholder engagement. See updtaed Statkeholder Engagement Documents posted in April.
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